Learn the Requirements
If you are an enrolled member/citizen of a federally recognized Tribe and a business owner or artist, or if you are a business owned by a federally recognized Tribe, you qualify for Native Verify’s Verification Process.
Basic Company Information
Provide basic information about your business to start the Verification Process such as the industry, how many employees you have, and a basic description of your goods and/or services. After your Verification is complete, this information will be used by Native Verify to create your listing in the Native Network.
Company Ownership
Provide information about how your business is organized. Are you an artist operating without a formal business? An LLC? A Corporation? This information allows Native Verify to confirm that your business is majority owned by one or more citizens/members of a Native American Tribe or a Tribe itself.
Management & Control
Provide information relating to the management and control of your business. Who makes decisions about how the business operates? The owner(s)? Executives? A Board of Directors? This allows Native Verify to confirm that the Native American owner(s) of a business are involved in the business’s management and control. Native Verify will never share this information.
Tribal Affiliation
Provide the Tribal affiliation and enrollment status of each Native American owner.
Upload Supporting Documents
Provide the relevant documents to support the information in your Verification Application. These documents may include (depending on your business):
- Secretary of State or Tribal Business License
- Partnership Agreement or other document illustrating ownership
- Articles of Organization and By-laws
- Operating Agreement
- Annual Report
- Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
- Stock information
- Tribal Enrollment Card
- TERO License
- Indian Arts and Crafts Board Certification
Documents can be uploaded from files on your laptop, iPad, or phone.